Trump T-Shirts Don't Buy Before Read Official Reviews!

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A lot of merchandise is sold at Trump events. Vendors will sometimes set up overnight before a rally to get ready for the huge crowds. There are T-shirts, hats, socks, flags, buttons, and more.I go to many of these events. I've become a little obsessed with this one shirt in the middle of everything.Miranda Barbee got one the night before a Trump rally on the beach in Wildwood, New Jersey. She held it up and read from it out loud."This shirt cost $20." It says, "Biden sucks, Kamala"—what does that even mean? I didn't see the front! "That's really funny." She turned it over. "F**k Joe and the Hoe" is written on the back."

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She laughed with her friend who came with her.

"To be honst, I didn't know that the front said that," Barbee said. "That's funny to me, though."People selling these shirts have been very visible at recent events. Sellers of these shirts often stand right outside the entrances and exits, drawing the attention of the many Trump supporters who are there.They are not official campaign clothes. When asked for comment, a campaign representative didn't directly talk about the shirts. Instead, they pointed to an official Biden campaign shirt with the slogan "Free on Wednesdays" that makes fun of Trump's legal problems.I still had to know: why? Who buys these clothes and why are they made? I had thought about it for so long that I eventually wanted to find out if there was anything I could learn from it.The famous nutcracker of Hillary ClintonA boxed set of a nutcracker and a bottle corkscrew called "The Hillary Nutcracker & Corkscrew Bill" was for sale during the 2009 holiday season.Picture by Paul J. Richards/AFP via Getty ImagesPoliticians have used sexism for a long time.Think about how Americans have hated Hillary Clinton for decades. Before she ran for president in 2008, there was a T-shirt that said, "I wish Hillary had married O.J." This was a reference to O.J. Simpson, who was famously on trial for killing his wife. He wasn't guilty.Then there was the Hillary Clinton snowman...In 2007, Willie Geist of MSNBC laughedly called her "a Hillary doll with serrated stainless steel thighs that, well, crack nuts." Tucker Carlson, who was also working for MSNBC at the time, said, "When she comes on TV, I can't help but cross my legs," and he said he was going to buy one.Over the years, degrading and sometimes offensive items have also been made for Michelle Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Sarah Palin.But still, the Trump T-shirts are quite sexy. Is that new? I asked Tim Miller, a Republican consultant who worked on the campaigns of Jon Huntsman and Jeb Bush."There was probably a guy outside the RNC in 2012 selling Hillary-hating stuff." "It was there, but just the intensity of it, how crass it is, that's in a different category," he said.People have been rude at Trump events since the beginning. In 2016, my colleague Don Gonyea told me that people were selling shirts that said, "Hillary stinks, but not like Monica does."

The difference between the two groups

An expert from Rutgers University's Centre for American Women and Politics, Kelly Dittmar, said, "What's different about Donald Trump is that his campaign isn't really worried about this kind of misogyny being linked to his campaign because, at least so far, it hasn't hurt him that much."A person at a Trump gathering in Freeland, Michigan, on May 1, 2024, sells T-shirts.A person at a Trump gathering in Freeland, Michigan, on May 1, 2024, sells T-shirts.Danelle Kurtzleben for NPRAs an example, the polls didn't change even after a jury found him civilly responsible for sexual abuse last year.Dittmar also says that some of what's going on is political and shows that there is a gap between men and women."I think there's more of an internal police task force among Democrats about how "this goes against our brand and hurts us with the group that we trust the most, which is women."She also says that this kind of talk is often used against women of colour, like Kamala Harris. Since the shirt says "ho," it's clear that this is about race as well as sex.On the other hand, Dittmar says, the Republican base is mostly made up of guys."Of course," she added, "women who do support Republicans are more likely to say that this is all a joke."Christena Kincaid, a voter, told me that right after we talked. She had bought one of these shirts at a protest in Freeland, Michigan."It's just slang." "That's all there is to it," she said. "That's silly; it's a bit much." I get it. But they're just words.As an anti-PC fighter who "tells it like it is," Trump has made fun of women, including Hillary Clinton, Megyn Kelly, and Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar. This idea that they're just words fits with his image.Yet another idea is that words don't really matter. This is similar to how people reacted to the famous Access Hollywood tape: they said it was just "locker room talk."

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Incivility that spreads

Rina Shah is a political analyst who used to work for Republicans in Congress and is now against Trump. Sh told me that the clothes are very important to her.She said, "If we let our kids see this, even if it's just at a rally, the person who wears that shirt at that rally isn't just going to wear that one day." "This kind of rudeness is spreading through our country's social fabric."I asked Bob Berger, whom I met at the rally in Freeland, Mich., if it was okay to wear the shirt somewhere other than a protest."Are you afraid that wearing it will make someone mad?" I asked."No.""Are you sure you'll watch where you wear it?" Like with, I don't know, grandchildren?" I kept going."Oh,maybe with the grandchildren." "I think I would be," he said.It seems like what Rina Shah said about Trump's rudeness spreading to his fans is true, whether it's through their clothes or just the way they talk about Biden and Harris."I really want Joe Biden to get arrested, but he is no longer in office." I feel like we have to deal with the jerk again. The person I met at that New Jersey meeting, Barbee, said, "I don't want her either." She was talking about Harris.When she used words like "bitch," I asked her if it made her feel bad as a young woman.All of this, including the T-shirt slogans, the swear words, and Trump's bad language, can also be seen as a sign of a gap in American politics: a huge political gap in how people feel about gender.

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